
Training Courses

  • Second Intensive Course on Computing – February 11-20, 1964 Organised by the Computer Centre, I. I. T., Kanpur. 
  • International Summer Institute in Quantum Chemistry, Solid State Physics,  and  Quantum Biology – 1967 organised by  the  Quantum  Chemistry Group, University of Uppsala, Sweden. 
  • Customer Training  Seminar  on Korad Laser System –  May  23-24,  1968 organised by Korad, Union carbide, USA
  • Forensic Applications  of Neutron Activation Analysis by Dr.  K. Perkons,  September 5-14, 1973, Analytical Chemistry  Division,  Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Bombay. 
  • Spectrochemical Analysis  – May 11-31,  1980,  Spectroscopy  Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Bombay. 
  • National Training Program in Information Storage and Retrieval System-January 5 -30, 1981, S I E T Institute, Hyderabad
  • Internet for  Forensic Scientists, Presented by  American  Society  of Crime Laboratory Directors on August 29, 1996 at Tokyo, Japan.
  • Planning, Implementation and Documentation for ISO 9000 Quality Management System – May 27-30, 1997; Quality System Requirement and Laboratory Accreditation – November 5-7, 1997; Laboratory Assessor Course – November 24-28, 1997, Indian Institute of Quality Management, Jaipur, Orientation Program on ISO/IEC-17025, Oct.17-19,2002 CIRT, Pune. 
  • Advance Training Programme on Cyber Forensics, January 29-February 2, 2007, C-DAC, Thiruvananthapuram.


Association with Scientific Bodies

Indian Science Congress Association    Life member

  • President, Physics Section                               1994-95
  • Recorder, Physics Section                                 1992-94
  • Member, sectional committee, Physics Section  1991-92

Institution of Chemists (India)                         Life Member

  • was awarded fellowship of the Institution       1974
  • Member, AIC Examination Sub-committee     1981-82
  • Paper setter and Examiner (forensic chemistry) of the AIC Examination – for several years
  • Chartered Chemist                                                            1999

Indian Academy of Forensic Sciences                  Life Member

  • was awarded fellowship of the Academy                1975
  • President                                                                                  1995-97
  • Vice President                                                                        1983-85
  • Chief Editor, Journal of the Academy                          1980-83
  • Secretary Treasurer                                                              1974-78
  • Assistant Secretary                                                               1971-74

Forensic Science Society of India                               Life Member

  • was awarded fellowship of the society                        1991

Laser and Spectroscopy Society of India (founder member)-Life Member

  • was awarded fellowship of the society                        1999

Indian Physical Society                                                      Life Member

Indian Society of Analytical Scientists                     Life Member

Computer Society of India                                                 Life Member

Vigyan Parishad, Prayag                                                     Life Member

  • delivered Prof. N.L. Singh memorial Lecture                 1999

Indian Society of Criminology                                            Life Member


Brief Service Particular

after passing M. Sc. Examination in the year 1962, worked on various research assignments in India and abroad and lectured for a short period in Engg. Physics at the Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, before joining Central Forensic Science Laboratory, Calcutta, as Assistant Director (Physics) in the year 1970.

Assistant Director, Central Forensic Science Laboratory, Calcutta (1970-1983)

Joint Director, Forensic Science Laboratory, U. P. Agra (1983-1986)

Director, Forensic Science Laboratories, U.P., Lucknow (1986-2000)


after retirement from Govt. Service


Institute of Forensic Science & Criminology, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi.

Director (Administration),

College of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Lucknow

Project Coordinator,

Directorate of Forensic Science, MHA, New Delhi,

Visiting Faculty,

Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science, Delhi,